Since the novel coronavirus outbreak in China, every corner in the country has been actively conducting precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic.
With more and more companies are resuming operations, the office managers are making every effort to create a safe and healthy working environment for their people.

The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through contact with an infected person through respiratory droplets generated when a person, for example, coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. Symptoms of the new coronavirus include but not limited to fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
It is important that everyone practice good respiratory hygiene. For example, sneeze or cough into a flexed elbow, or use a tissue and discard it immediately into a closed bin. It is also very important for people to wear masks in public areas and wash their hands regularly with either alcohol-based hand rub or sanitizer. It is an advise for organisations to disinfect the office throughout the day.

WHO (World Health Organisation) has announced more than once that HCIO is proved effective to prevent SARS, avian influenza, Ebola virus etc., and is recommended to use in daily life.
At this critical time, Pure-Sieving, a sister company of M-SPACE, collaborated with Toshiba Japan to provide a disinfection solution with mild acidic electrolysed water (HCIO) to fight against the coronavirus!
What is mild acidic electrolysed water (HCIO)?
Electrolyzed water is a new kind of disinfectant with high safety, which is made from the specialised equipment of Toshiba. Its main bactericidal component is hydrochloric acid (HClO), and its pH value is 5.5 ~ 7. The most significant difference from the traditional disinfectant is its low irritant odor.
How is electrolysed water sterilized?
As shown in the figure below, the surface of the cell membrane is negatively charged, so the hypochlorite (ClO -) cannot easily enter the cell interior, while the hypochlorite (HClO) is a neutral small molecule, which can penetrate the cell membrane, enter the cell interior, and react with its internal DNA and mitochondria to make it die.

What significant functions and competitive edge does electrolysed water have?
1)Strong and high effective in disinfection, quick-acting against any bacteria and virus
2)Strong and high effective in deodorizing
3)Proved safe to use even in touch with skins, no residue
There are scientific experiments to prove that HCIO is effective in killing a variety of microbes species including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and so on. Bactericidal effect > 99.99%.
In daily life, electrolysed water functions a crucial role widely in interior space and furniture disinfection, kitchen and bathroom cleaning, vegetable and fruit washing, etc.

During the outbreak, PureSieving team have been providing professional prevention solutions for the market ——
1)From December 2019, PureSieving has been working on the sterilization, disinfection and deodorization services for taxis of Shanghai Johnson & Johnson taxi co., LTD
2)Provide indoor disinfection and sterilization services for enterprises and organisation in need.

All electrolysed water that PureSieving use in projects and services are fresh made on site by the specialised and patented equipment and techniques of Toshiba, which delivers the best result.

PureSieving is committed to provide the best disinfection and sterilization solutions in the market. We are together to fight against the epidemic and our hearts are with China!